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Car Damaged? Learn about continued delays in auto repairs

By August 15, 2022August 25th, 2022No Comments
Dented Car

If your vehicle is damaged and needs repairs, please be aware that those repairs may now take weeks or months before they can be completed.

Why? There continues to be a global shortage of car parts. There are several reasons including spikes in the price of steel and other materials to workforce shortages to delays in getting goods unloaded at U.S. seaports. No matter what the cause, the pressure is on at local repair shops.

So what are your options?

  1. If your car is drivable, discuss with the repair facility if they can order the parts and not take your vehicle into their possession until those are in stock.
  2. If you are at fault and have rental car coverage, then there is an increased chance that you can run out of rental car coverage. We highly recommend that you talk to your agent asap to increase coverages before you get into an accident.
  3. If you are not at fault, discuss with the claims adjuster how long you will have access to a rental car, etc. It’s likely you will have it as long as you need, but good to check in and see where it all stands.
  4. Your car may be totaled. We had a client that was in an accident and incurred about $1800 in damage to their vehicle which would normally be considered a repairable situation. In this case, the claims adjuster actually totaled the car because there was no projected timeline to get possession of the parts they need.

Because these global issues are now impacting all aspects of our lives, it’s important to have a local agent who can support you and advocate for you in these situations. There is no additional cost to have a local agent who knows you and can be responsive during stressful times. Many local agents have very strong relationships with your carrier, which means they can often escalate issues when necessary, helping you get resolutions more quickly.

Want to discuss this more? We would be happy to talk to you! Reach out to us, we are here for you. 603-273-0953,

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