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Get to Know Lisa Keslar, Principal

By March 11, 2022No Comments

Get to know Lisa Keslar! We asked Lisa 7 questions to give our clients an insight into the people who make up Keslar Insurance Agency.

What was your first job, and what was your biggest takeaway from it?

“I believe my first job was babysitting in my neighborhood. I worked for several families and was not only responsible to care for the kids, but I’d also cook dinner and clean up the house a bit. I learned so much about exceeding customers’ expectations, the value of hard work, and how nice people can really be. Those lessons, and more, have always stayed with me.”

What is a recent move or TV show you would recommend? What did you love about it?

“Billions on HULU!”

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

“I really love NH. I love the four seasons. I love the proximity to lakes, oceans, mountains, rural areas, and cities. I love the Seacoast community as I have found the people in it so warm and supportive. I guess there really is no place like home.”

What is the best advice you have ever received, and who was it from?

“Someone once told me “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. There is so much value in pushing yourself to go for things that bring you joy, even if it feels overwhelming or daunting.”

What is your favorite “dad joke”?

“Sorry- Got nothing here. I love a good laugh, but am so not skilled at joke telling!”

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

“If I had a superpower, I think I’d like to be able to travel from one place to another with a simple head nod or twitch of my nose. With that simple movement, I could automatically be transported from one location to another of my choosing. I think I’d visit so many great places if travel time wasn’t a factor!

Lastly, share your favorite recipe!

“I love making a bean and corn salad in the summer. I could eat it for days. I will often add other veggies I have lying around like cucumbers and chickpeas!”

The link to Lisa’s perfect summer Bean and Corn Salad!

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