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Types of insurance needed for Cleaning businesses

cleaning blog postLike other business owners, owners of cleaning services face risks that can be mitigated with insurance policies.

Common types of incidents include:

  • art gets knocked off a shelf when dusting
  • your cleaning equipment stolen or damaged
  • an employee gets injured during work
  • your vehicle gets in an accident while you are working

These things do happen. When they do, you want to make sure you have adequate protection to make yourself whole again. Here are the types of insurance you need to keep you, your employees and your related assets protected:

General liability insurance is a key component of needed insurance. It could protect against lawsuits and other financial liabilities from accidents or other mishaps that you may cause. Property insurance protects your business property if it is lost or damaged due to things like fire, theft, vandalism or windstorms. These two insurances are often bundled together into one product called a business owner’s policy or BOP.

Worker’s compensation insurance: if you have employees, you need this to cover the medical costs and portion of lost wages if your employee becomes ill or injured during work. This a requirement in most states. An example of a time when worker’s compensation insurance may be used is when an employee slips on a wet floor during work and requires physical therapy and lost replacement wages.

Commercial auto: if you have a vehicle used for work, especially if it has your business information on the vehicle, it may likely have to be insured as a commercial vehicle. This covers the vehicle when it is involved in an accident. If you don’t have this insured correctly, any potential claims may not be covered.

Umbrella policy: this is an optional additional liability insurance product that will help cover you if you are in a lawsuit that costs more than your current policy or policies will cover. Ask your agent for details.

For more information regarding insurance coverages for cleaning services, contact us today at or 603-273-0953.

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