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Starting a pet sitting business? Let your agent know!

By January 23, 2022No Comments

It sounds simple.

People go away and need someone to take care of their furbabies. So, you decide to either stay at the dog owner’s home to care for the pet, or you offer to take the dog into your home to provide the pets with a safe place while mom and dad are away.

It all sounds like no big deal. Yet, all sorts of things can happen. The dog can run away. The dog could bite someone while under your care. You could break a priceless vase while in their home, or start a fire. Or what if there is a lawsuit for some other covered loss?

Your personal policies, like your homeowners or renters policies, typically won’t cover these situations as it is all part of running a business. Instead, you will need a business policy. Some carriers now offer Home Business Insurance, specifically designed for these types of businesses. Not sure how to proceed? Ask your agent or feel free to call us! We can also chat on our website.

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