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Ten things to tell your new teen driver

By August 9, 2022No Comments

Being a new driver can be overwhelming. Not only do they need to know how to drive and follow the rules of the road, but there is so much more. Here are the top 10 things you should tell your kids when they start to drive based on the feedback we hear in our office from clients.

1. What to do if they are in an accident. Including calling the police, taking photos, and deciding if the car needs to be towed. Calling roadside assistance. 

2. What to do if they lock their keys in the car. 

3. What happens if they get a flat tire and how to check the tire pressure. 

4. How to check the oil in your vehicle. 

5. What to do if they get a crack in their windshield. 

6. What to do if they run out of gas.

7. What to do if they hear an unfamiliar car noise while driving.

8. What safety items should they keep in the car.

9. What the different indicator lights mean and how to look them up if they forget.

10. How to replace the windshield washer fluid.

Need to talk to an agent about your teen driver and insurance? We are always happy to be a resource.

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